Welcome to the Press Room, which is designed to keep you up to date with events in the life of the «20А»
Russian Warehousing Property Market Forecast
South-East Region of Moscow Oblast sets a record for the number of warehouses.
New industrial parks in Crimea
Number of warehouses record grows.
Russia tops the list of European countries with the highest potential in the sphere of logistics.
EAEU creates the Integrated Transport And Logistics Company.
The results of XVII Moscow International Logistics Forum (MMLF 2014)
2013’s results on the warehouse market
17 international brands are ready to enter Russian retail market in 2014
The ‘InterModal in CIS’ forum
Retailers on Logistics Market
The logistics market goes online
Record Indicators.
Summing up the year…
Online-Retail Joins Top-5 Tenants in Warehouse Segment.
Market Indicators Return to Pre-Crisis Levels
Class A Warehouses to Grow by End of 2012
Market Overview. The results of 2011, and the forecast for 2012.